"The wise learn from their own experiences but the truly intelligent will learn from someone else's!" - Benjamin Franklin. Welcome

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Monday, May 12, 2014

Lessons from my Marathon by Tim Schindel

Info courtesy: Kevin Rogers.

'Lessons from my Marathon' @ Leading Influence, Updates and News on Leading Influence 
Several years ago, my best friend turned to me and said.... 'I'm fat! You're fat! We should do something about that.'  Then he proposed a competition. He would find some other 'fattys' and challenge us all to a weight loss competition. We each put in $100 and the first one to lose 10% of their body weight, would take the prize.  There were 7 of us that each put our money in.  I didn't win the pool, but I won something better.  After years of being a 'desk potato', I discovered that I really enjoyed running.  I started with walking and decided that I could burn more calories quicker if I began to run.  Like Forest Gump, I've been running ever since.  I've run 5 half marathons (21.1kms) and decided after the last one that I wanted more of a challenge.  My only option was to run a full marathon.  I signed up for the training program and began my marathon journey in January... in the dark... and in the rain!  Over the past few months, I increased my distances, strength and general health. On May 4, I ran my first marathon.
Here are some highlights.

1) Sharing the journey makes it easier.
2) I get by with a little help from my friends!
3) Encouragement is powerful! 
4) Listen to the Music! 
5) Share the love... continue reading

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